Saturday, 9 May 2015

The Teeter Totter Change Principle

Change isn't easy for everyone.

Some of us embrace it and run with it, and wonder why others struggle with it. But we are the ones who need to build our empathy for those who think differently...just because change is easy for us, doesn't mean what we do is better, it's just different.

And here's where the 'teeter totter' principle comes into play - our colleagues struggling with change can manifest a range of responses that we might find perplexing, but which are both justifiable and understandable if we give ourselves some time to reflect:

  • change-readiness doesn't come naturally to everyone
  • some colleagues may fear change, or be uncomfortable about it because they truly value the status quo, they care about where they are at now and may be untrusting about the motives for why we are advocating a particular change
  • our peers may want change, but just not know how to achieve it
  • there may be a prevailing ambivalence towards change manifested by up and down, push and pull responses that can be unpredictable and frustrating for those of us already fully invested in the change journey.
When leading change in schools, we can sometimes become frustrated by the 'teeter totters' who one minute are agreeing with us and then the next day blocking the ideas they appeared to like the day before. It can feel like 2 steps forward, 1 step back.

Yes there are the natural resistors - those who don't like any new idea that's not their own. But I would hazard a guess and say they're probably in the minority.

The others who teeter on the brink of joining in your change journey need your love and support. They need you to stretch a warm and comforting arm around their shoulders and gently but firmly help them to shift.

They need you to help them build momentum and get off the teeter totter and you can do this by seeking to understand them and empathise with their struggles so you can build the direction of your journey together.

Image source: 


  1. Yes I agree but sometimes the resisters to change can be challenging! Si I guess my message is work with those in a state of readiness and hope the others get on board the train. Change is complex but if you truly believe in what you are doing you continue on anyway. After all change is about passion and belief

    1. Absolutely! Do you think this might be where our moral purpose kicks in?

  2. Good message for me to read again...and again. Thnx.

  3. Wow - I tried out 'Next Blog' and had a delightful sex blog! Now to turn that experience into something reflective and related: Exploring can be a motivation for change. When the discoveries are exciting or the company makes the journey enriched - most will be enthused by change.
